The Lullaby Project

A non-profit 501(c)(3) with the mission of preserving and disseminating lullabies of all cultures


Ute lady with cradle board

The Lullaby Project, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) non-profit registered in New Mexico.

Our mission is to preserve and disseminate lullabies of all languages and cultures.

Most of our singers are not professionals, but the babies don't care.

Your voice quality is unimportant to us. We accept remote recordings and when possible will bring our equipment to your home to record.

Preservation: We archive the lullabies and stories around them so they are not lost.

Family history: Each family receives a copy of their loved one's songs to preserve family history.

Education: The lullabies educate about cultures, their similarities and differences over time.

Dissemination: CD's of the lullabies are available for enjoyment by all.

Child development: Babies grow receptors in the brain as they assimilate songs and music - so music is very important in their development.

Therapy: Special needs children, Alzheimer's patients, the blind, and others benefit from the songs.

The CEO of The Lullaby Project, Inc. is Anita Gerlach

Master Teacher of 42 years, music has always played a large role in Anita's life. She began playing drums in 1953 and owned her own performing arts studios in which dance, percussion, woodwinds, brass, piano, organ, voice and karate were all taught.

Disclaimer: The Lullaby Project makes every effort to determine the validity of the information on our site. However, we depend on the singers themselves in many cases. We depend on the singers for the tunes, words, and stories behind these lullabies, as well as the translations and their best-guess estimate of the age of the lullaby. All of this is to the best knowledge of the singers. We understand that words, tunes, and stories behind the lullabies change over time. Therefore, you may think the words are incorrect, but in fact, they are the words of that particular singer. Likewise, we accept the singers translation of their songs. We have many precious stories about changes in lullabies as they are individualized and hope you will understand that these modifications are what make lullabies living, breathing representations of our love for children.